
Wednesday, 28 September 9707


S.No. Name of the faculty memberDesignationDepartmentPhone No.
1Dr. T. JayarajuDirector        9701501067
2Dr. S. Ravindra KishoreAssoc. ProfessorAnatomy9676730460
3Dr. R. Malleswara RaoAsst. ProfessorAnatomy9866824406
4Dr. G. SailajaAsst. ProfessorAnatomy9985588304
5Dr. N. Kishore Kumar RajuAsst. ProfessorAnatomy
6C. Rajeev KumarTutorAnatomy        9989064810
7P. SrideviTutorAnatomy9908678359
8Dr. Kamala DeviC.A.S.Anatomy
9Dr. G. ParvathiProfessorPhysiology9703062301
10Dr. P. Raja BabuAssoc. ProfessorPhysiology        9494552544
11Dr. B. SriramuluAssoc. ProfessorPhysiology        9849619548
12Dr. B. Prasada RaoAsst. ProfessorPhysiology        9849779444
13Dr. S.U. Sreerama ChandarLect. in BiophysicsPhysiology        9703551394
14B. Nirmala MadhuriTutorPhysiology9291311683
15S. JayabalakrishnanTutorPhysiology9440991249
16Dr. A. Kasi BabuProfessorBiochemistry        9948711355
17Dr. N. Sundara VeenaAssoc. ProfessorBiochemistry        9849975276
18Dr. B. SangeethaAsst. ProfessorBiochemistry        9866353073
19T. UmaTutorBiochemistry9010480162
20D. Bala SundarTutorBiochemistry9908656881
21Dr. G. Chaitanya TutorBiochemistry9581738387
22Dr. S. Krishna KumariProfessorPathology9985651960
23Dr. D. Raja Pramila Assoc. ProfessorPathology        9866067562
24Dr. E. Kiran KumarAssoc. ProfessorPathology        9246656144
25Dr. Uma PrasadAssoc. ProfessorPathology
26Dr. H. Laxmi VasaviAsst. ProfessorPathology        9849995869
27Dr. D. Mercy MrudulaAsst. ProfessorPathology
28Dr. K. Papa RatnamAsst. ProfessorPathology        9440550554
29Dr. Raj P. GurbuxaniTutorPathology9848418400
30Dr. B. Suryaprakasa RaoProfessorPharmacology9849295037
31Dr. N. Indira KumariAssoc. ProfessorPharmacology9885469489
32Dr. S. VijayaAsst. ProfessorPharmacology        9397688928
33Dr. S. VinuthaAsst. ProfessorPharmacology9989294561
34N. RajyalaxmiTutorPharmacology9912308635
35Dr. G. Kranthi KumariTutorPharmacology9849220162
36Dr. B. Narasinga RaoProfessorMicrobiology        9441126758
37Dr. B. Aruna SreeAssoc. ProfessorMicrobiology
38Dr. B. Aruna Asst. ProfessorMicrobiology9849025731
39B. SrinivasTutorMicrobiology9030549992
40Dr. M. Madhusudhan ReddyProfessorForensic Medicine7893335596
41Dr. G. Venugopal RaoAsst. ProfessorForensic Medicine9440775038
42Dr. K.V. Sanyasi RaoTutorForensic Medicine        9440993404
43Dr. S. Krishnam RajuTutorForensic Medicine9963538843
44Dr. B. Devi MadhaviProfessorCommunity Medicine        9885193506
45Dr. Ved P. KulkarniAssoc. ProfessorCommunity Medicine9912504661
46Dr. B. Nagendra NaiduAsst. ProfessorCommunity Medicine9849846360
47Dr. Asuthosh PadhiAsst. ProfessorCommunity Medicine      08763751763
48K. MokshanandStatisticianCommunity Medicine9492601316
49Dr. K. Anil Kumar TutorCommunity Medicine9493376607
50Dr. B. Ramdas NaikTutorCommunity Medicine9440196334
51Dr. A. Gopala RaoAssoc. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9440122790
52Dr. A. Surya LakshmiAssoc. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9849125148
53Dr. P. Ravi MohanAssoc. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9818113420
54Dr. K. Sunil NaikAsst. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9440828299
55Dr. B. Srinivasa RaoAsst. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9440106355
56Dr. S. Narasimha MurtyAsst. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9440149501
57Dr. H. Anil KumarAsst. ProfessorGenl. Medicine9440315546
58Dr. D. SatyanarayanaAssoc. ProfessorPsychiatry9052297329
59Dr. S. Vijay Bhaskar GuptaAsst. ProfessorPsychiatry9440069415
60Dr. G. Roshmallikarjuna RaoTutorPsychiatry9440195953
61Dr. V. Nooka RajuProfessorTBCD9908854155
62Dr. Manas Kumar MohantyAssoc. ProfessorTBCD9440141361
63Dr. M. Dhanunjaya RaoAsst. ProfessorTBCD9441607910
64Dr. V.V. SatyanarayanaAssoc. ProfessorDVL9963744345
65Dr. T.V. Ramana RaoAsst. ProfessorDVL9440412989
66Dr. M. Kanakaprasada RaoAsst. ProfessorDVL9440230678
67Dr. L. RameshTutorDVL9866655912
68Dr. L. Jaganmohana RaoProfessorPaediatrics9848208928
69Dr. G. Ratna KumariAsst. ProfessorPaediatrics9440394901
70Dr. S. Somasekhara RaoAsst. ProfessorPaediatrics9441072811
71Dr. K. Vijayananda PrasadProfessorGenl. Surgery        9849129092
72Dr. A. Ranga RaoAssoc. ProfessorGenl. Surgery9247477577
73Dr. S. AmmajiAssoc. ProfessorGenl. Surgery9951933711
74Dr. Suraj Kumar PatnaikAsst. ProfessorGenl. Surgery        9000268524
75Dr. K. Madhuri DeviAsst. ProfessorGenl. Surgery9440436059
76Dr. M. RavichandraAsst. ProfessorGenl. Surgery8985484880
77Dr. Prasanth Kumar SahuAsst. ProfessorGenl. Surgery9491322193
78Dr. SivanandaAssoc. ProfessorOrthopedics
79Dr. L. Prasanna KumarAsst. ProfessorOrthopedics9440106058
80Dr. T. SudheerAsst. ProfessorOrthopedics9949900369
81Dr. V. Narasinga RaoProfessorOphthalmology9441200418
82Dr. U.S.N. MurtyAssoc. ProfessorOphthalmology9440277766
83Dr. B. SivaprasadC.S.S.Ophthalmology8005553350
84Dr. M. SuryachandraAsst. ProfessorOphthalmology9440131590
85Dr. A. Jammeswara RaoProfessorENT9701501070
86Dr. M. PrabhakarAssoc. ProfessorENT9849023779
87Dr. Ch. Narayana RaoAsst. ProfessorENT9440112957
88Dr. S. RameshAsst. ProfessorENT9490713477
89Dr. H. RameshC.A.S.ENT
90Dr. B. RadhikaAssoc. ProfessorOb & Gy9885917707
91Dr. R. AravindC.S.S.Ob & Gy9440156808
92Dr. D. ParvathiAsst. ProfessorOb & Gy9440251699
93Dr. T. SasikalaAsst. ProfessorOb & Gy9573405562
94Dr. A.P. PrasadTutorOb & Gy9440436059
95Dr. S. SrideviTutorOb & Gy9440436093
96Dr. P. PadmavathiTutorOb & Gy9449708350
97Dr. M. Sujani KumariTutorOb & Gy9704105970
98Dr. P. JyothirmaiTutorOb & Gy9441914729
99Dr. P. NagamalleswariTutorOb & Gy7416296985
100Dr. N. Bhaskara RaoProfessorAnaesthesioogy9849401867
101Dr. M. Prasada RaoAssoc. ProfessorAnaesthesioogy
102Dr. T. RanganadhAsst. ProfessorAnaesthesioogy9440430619
103Dr. D. Vijay KumarAsst. ProfessorAnaesthesioogy9573607544
104Dr. TVVSV PrasadAsst. ProfessorAnaesthesioogy9441058589
105Dr. M.V. RamanaTutorAnaesthesioogy9849256057
106Dr. G. HemasundarTutorAnaesthesioogy9440195137
107Dr. NAVVVD Rama ReddyTutorAnaesthesioogy9949285370
108Dr. M. ChandramouliAsst. ProfessorRadio-Diagnosis9849113308
109Dr. V.L. Sakuntala TutorRadio-Diagnosis9989854595
110Dr. L. VenugopalProfessorDentistry
111Dr. B. VinodAssoc. ProfessorDentistry9700099947
112Dr. N. RupaAsst. ProfessorDentistry        9908705305
113Dr. D.S. Ramesh BabuTutorDentistry9440759612
114Dr. G.M. BhanupriyaD.A.S.Dentistry9573720891
115Dr. B.Ch. AppalanaiduTutorAsst. RMO9440550558
116Dr. E.S. Sampath KumarTutor9989529276
117Dr. P. ShobhaTutor9177745030
118Dr. K. SeethamahalaxmiTutor9701885468
119Dr. S. Vijaya LaxmiTutor9440759456
120Dr. H.V. Nirmala MalleswarTutor9440195950
121Dr. Priya Ranjita PatnaikTutor        9000558308
122Dr. P. Asha SriTutor9885025625
123Dr. B. Ravi Kiran Tutor9246035653
125Dr. S. Seshagiri BabuTutor9440436067
126Dr. Ch. RajiniTutor9490930888
127Dr. G. Vinod KumarTutor9490244390
128Dr. L. Giri BabuTutor9550093999
129Dr. M. SireeshaTutor9666673783
130Dr. N. JhansiTutor9490662100
131Dr. S. ManasaTutor9701651771
132Dr. K. Yogendra RaoTutor9440955279
133Dr. P. Tirupathi RaoTutor9441322708
134Dr. L. RamuTutor9494014302
135Dr. Ch. Vijay KumarTutor9441461451
136Dr. S. Satish ReddyTutor9885331939
137Dr. K. Srikanth ReddyTutor9885531552
138Dr. T. Jyothi PriyaTutor
139Dr. K. AmruthamTutor
140Dr. BVRH SastryTutor
141Dr. A.P. PavaniTutor
142Dr. S. SireeshaTutor
143Dr. M. Parimala DeviTutor
1Dr. T. Venkateswara RaoSenior ResidentGenl. Medicine
2Dr. D. Mary manjulaSenior ResidentOb & Gy
3Dr. B. SahithyaSenior ResidentOb & Gy
4Dr. D.L. SireeshaSenior ResidentRadio-Diagnosis
5Dr. U. DivyasriSenior ResidentRadio-Diagnosis
6Dr. S. SurekhaSenior ResidentAnaesthesioogy
7Dr. B. Siva kumarSenior ResidentENT
8Dr. G. Kanaka DurgaSenior ResidentPsychiatry
9Dr. Ch.P. DeepakSenior ResidentOrthopedics
10Dr. Suneel KumarSenior ResidentPaediatrics
11Dr. B. CharishmaMedical Officer NRC (Paediatrics)